
Ge ( Building A World That Works

General Electric Company, or GE, is a major player in the world of power generation. It is a leading provider of engineered products and services for the power generation, transmission, distribution, and transformation industries worldwide.

GE’s service offerings include equipment, products, and services such as power generation technologies, renewable energy technologies, oil and gas infrastructure, and aviation engines.

Their products include gas turbines, turbomachinery, wind turbines, hydroelectric turbines, engines, and other industrial process equipment.

General Electric produced an impressive amount of electricity during its 2015 fiscal year, but the company is far from being in the clear. As the industrial giant continues to bring oil and gas to market, it faces major environmental challenges.

In addition, the company has faced numerous lawsuits from shareholders since the financial crisis, and a portion of its pension plans is now under the control of the government.

Ge Brand Details:

Brand Value$29.5 B
1-Yr Value Change-14.%
Brand Revenue$76.6 B
IndustryDiversified From RSS Feed

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